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It is sad to know that Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia ( SUHAKAM ) is suggested to be downgrade from A to B by ICC(International Coordinating Comittee of National Institutions for the promotion and protections of Human Right) .This latest news was revealed by Minister in PM's department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz.

"The government spends RM10 million a year on Suhakam. RM8 million alone is spent on administration, transport, allowance and such," said MP of Subang, YB Sivarasa Rasiah.This is another sad and frustrating news to hear.
SUHAKAM is supposed to be the guardian of the rights of the people, failed to play its role because the lack of seriousness by the government in tackling human rights issue.Although it was formed under the parliament Act, it's power only to advice the government via the reports .And in most cases, the government will just ignore all those reports.
In ISA case, the SUHAKAM's 2003 annual report clearly stated that ISA should be abolished and all detainees should either be released or charged in the open court. But , until today , the government does not even try to consider , but ignore it completely. This is the best example, the way the Malaysian government treated SUHAKAMs report.
SUHAKAM knows there are ISA detainees ,whom incarcerated almost seven years in Kem Kamunting.These detainees treated like convicts though they have never been brought to the court to defend the accusations laid on their faces. SUHAKAM knows the the torture and abused done by SB to those poor detainees.And SUHAKAM is also aware the predicament of the ISA families, but nothing can be done as everything is under the control of the draconian government.
SUHAKAM is directly under the PM.This is actually the root of all problems why it is useless and failed to tackle human rights issues... Poor us Malaysian taxpayers, RM10 millions used yearly to pay the cost of the human right guardian that not worth to us at all....
Note: Datok Khalid, one of SUHAKAM's commissioners.

5 ulasan:

Unknown berkata...

well, hypocrisy that's called.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

I totally agree with you Chong. Its all hypocrisy. SUHAKAM is TOOTHLESS. All its suggestions are thrown into the dustbin by the government. So. what more do you expect from SUHAKAM. Dear Laila..... don't put your hopes up too high on SUHAKAM, buat sakit hati je. Kami kumpulan anti ISA akan terus dibelakang anda. Kami akan terus memperjuangkan pembebasan semua tahanan ISA di kem neraka Kamunting. InsyaAllah one day we will succeed. Be strong!

Tanpa Nama berkata...

This SUHAKAM thing is a waste of public fund. Ged rid of this TOOTHLESS, SPINELESS and BALLLESS pro-government body. Shame on you SUHAKAM. So people in the SUHAKAM, have some dignity. If you know you can't do much to help the rights of human being coz your hands are tied, then for GOD's sake RESIGN but I doubt it. Why?????? Well, this is why, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Merah Hitam berkata...

tanpa nama,

Ya... saya faham tentang SUHAKAM. Sekiranya saya hanya bergantung pada SUHAKAM saja, saya tidak akan jadi seorang blogger seperti sekarang...

Dah tentu saya asyik menangis sendirian mengenangkan nasib kerana SUHAKAM tak mampu nak tolong saya.....

Merah Hitam berkata...

tanpa nama,

Ya... saya faham tentang SUHAKAM. Sekiranya saya hanya bergantung pada SUHAKAM saja, saya tidak akan jadi seorang blogger seperti sekarang...

Dah tentu saya asyik menangis sendirian mengenangkan nasib kerana SUHAKAM tak mampu nak tolong saya.....

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