In 2002, he was detained along with 50 other "members' of JI, but as time flies, in 2009 almost 98 percent of the JIs had been taken out of Kem Kamunting under yearly selected releases .
Now in 2009, Mat Sah is still occupying one of the blocks in the Kem. There is no specific reason given by the authority as to why he is still detained there. May be these facts can explain why he is detained further.....
1- He is not a Hindraf member.
2- He is not a Chinese.
3- He is not an Indian.
4- He is not a Non Muslim.
5- He is not a foreigner ie Indonesian or Filipino or Siamese or a Pakistani.
6- After 7 years, there's no hearing, no testified, no evidence produced in court, infront of the Judge to support the accusations that he is one of the Muslim terrorists.
7- After 7 years,there's no proof that he is the member of JI.
But, one clear thing for sure,from 2002 until now, he is a Muslim.
The end of the puzzle showed that , as long as he IS a Muslim, he would be or could be forever being accused as the member of Jemaah Islamiyyah(JI) that gave threat to the National Security...that made him eligible to be detained further and longer....
7 ulasan:
Sabar kak..
Nampak sangat kerajaan cuba nak mainkan undang-undang ikut sedap diorang.. Saja bagi Hindraf lepas dengan rakyat-rakyat asing.. Dengan harapan orang Melayu melatah untuk mereka kekal berkuasa..
Insya'allah, PRU akan datang lepas nie kita semua akan hidup lebih bahagia dengan kemenangan rakyat..
salam. yang ini ana setuju sgt.. puak2 yg sokong ISA ni ikut telunjuk ajar dari yahudi yang akan memerangi muslim seantero dunia.. bersamalah kita berjihat melawan apa yg terdaya.. Insyaallah. Amin.
slm,bersabarlah menghadapi ujian di dunia ini.kata2 sabar memang mudah,yg menanggungnya sahaja amat memahami.justeru itu org yg bersabar krn ditimpa musibah ganjarannya bukan sedikit,boleh jadi hisab penantian di pdg mahsyar esok tak seteruk org yg buat zalim keatas anda.muga2 Allah melindungi semua ahli keluarga anda.amin.
Laila, you of all person cannot give up or give any sign of wavering in your fight to free him. Mat needs your WILL to free him. We will continue to will that. Be strengthened by the fact that many will walk with you in this seemingly endless journey. Be brave.
tiada apa yang mampu saya katakan kepada cikgu melainkan saya berdoa suami cikgu akan dibebaskan secepat mungkin..amiin...
doa orang teraniaya sentiasa menjadi doa yang termakbul oleh ALLAH...ingat tuh....
Salam Kak,
Be brave kak, truth will prevail. May you ,your children and Abg Mat Sah blessed and protected by Allah always.
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