Alhamdulillah, we managed to visit two out of five ISA families "home". My heart shattered at meeting Puan Norhata, who had to face difficulties to make the ends meet to raise her six children alone. Her husband, Abdul Jamal Azahari was taken away by the plaincloth policemen three years ago. The children never meet their father who currently occupying one of the dorm in Kem Kamunting, for almost three years.The poverty that wrapping their lives made impossible for them to go to Kem Kamunting, in Peninsular Malaysia.
My heart not only shattered, but also sick to learn that all of the six children did not go to school even though their range of ages were only 7 to 16 years old. I'm wondering, what is the colour of their future without having proper education at all....
During the visit, HARAKAH donated some money for them to use for the festive season.The children with the envelopes were smiling happily to get "duit raya' from En Lutfi."I can use the money to buy new clothes for coming Hari Raya" said Naseema 16,grinning, showing her beautiful white teeth.Currently, Naseema is working in the chicken farm, collecting chicken eggs with RM10 ringgit perday."I want to help lessen mum's burden to get enough income for the family" she added and her words really make me cry inside!!
Everyday, the mother and the children are waiting at the stairs of their old wooden house, the return of their beloved father. "I miss Abi(father) so much.I want to see him in the camp but I think its impossible...." said Naseem, 12 who never studied in any school like any kids of his age.
Poor them...the ISA made them lost their father, and may be they are going to loose their own future too...??
All pledges and donations will be sent to the ISA victims like them in phases.Please help us to ease their burden to survive ...
2 ulasan:
Lailah, I just put up a posting on this.
Saya bersyukur pada Allah SWT kerana pertemukan saya dengan anda. Kenapa? Allah memudahkan saya mendedahkan kezaliman ISA ini pada orang ramai.
Thank you so much.
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