Home Minister Datuk Syed Hamid Albar had signed the ISA detention order against Raja Petra for three reasons:
1. >that he owns and operates the Malaysia Today website;
2. >publishing his articles and readers' comments intentionally and recklessly which were critical and insulted Muslims, affecting the purity of the religion and the personality of Prophet Muhammad; and
3. >publishing articles deemed defamatory or false concerning Malaysia's leaders, with the intention of undermining public confidence and inciting hatred against the government; the articles are alleged to be a threat to national security.
2. >publishing his articles and readers' comments intentionally and recklessly which were critical and insulted Muslims, affecting the purity of the religion and the personality of Prophet Muhammad; and
3. >publishing articles deemed defamatory or false concerning Malaysia's leaders, with the intention of undermining public confidence and inciting hatred against the government; the articles are alleged to be a threat to national security.
In ISA case, I salute the way RPK is hi-liting how the current staffs of Home Minister ( the SBs and the wardens ) are treating the ISA detainees in Kem Kamunting.
Yes!!! My husband is denied to have Friday prayers for almost 7 years.These are other complaint by him -a seven year ISA detainee.
1. On 18 April 2002,day one of the arrest, he was not allowed to pray Subuh .So my husband had to pray on the bench with both arms handcuffed!!!
2. As the SB@police put him in his cell in one of the police lock-ups, they hid his Quran for so many days with the hope that he couldnt read it.
3. During so called "Riot in 2004",the UKPs and wardens simply threw Qurans and tore them to pieces infront of the detainees with the hope they(detainees) felt provoked and responded to their attackers.
4. Most of the ISA detainees were asked to stand naked infront of the groups of Sbs.
Lets compare Hamid Albar's reason number 2, why he signed detention order for RPK and what the staff of Home Minister (SB and police) did to the Muslim ISA detainees.
In RPK's case, Hamid Albar showed to the rakyat , with his power, he is defending and protecting Islam.Anyway in the same case but at a different place and different victims, he simply ordered his plain clothed police to treat the Muslim ISA detainees worst than animals!!!
Actually,the complaints written here, only a tip of iceberg. There are a lot more harm was done by the police on the physical,moral and spiritual of the detainees....And the violations of human right to these Muslim ISA detainees carry on for almost seven years and counting....
Hamid Albar is not protecting the Islam, but he has other agenda and he made these ISA detainees the scape goat , to make sure the mission is well accomplished!!!
6 ulasan:
will our loved country get rid of the demon, BN/UMNO the soonest possible.
allah bless us.
Fitnah adalah dosa besar. Hang sengaja cari pasal.
Dear Laila,
Doa kami sekeluarga sentiasa bersama anda. You see its not RPK who is insulting islam but they... themselves. They are the hypocrates.Munafiq sungguh!!!!!! Anyway, both you and your son, be strong ok and I want you to know kami sentiasa mendoakan agar anda sentiasa sejahtera and kebebasan suami anda, insya'Allah. NO TO ISA!!!!!!!
oops... sorry, wrong spelling NOT hypocrates but hypocrites'
100% true . I am angry to know about these incidents. But what can I do. I can't do much. I felt hopeless. Want to go for candlelight vigil also i am so takut polis tangkap.
Tanpa nama,
Sekiranya anda ingin simpati pada tahanan ISA dan benci pada akta itu, ada banyak perkara yang anda boleh buat.
Kalau tak berani nak pergi Vigil, anda boleh sign petition.Jika sign petition pun tak berani, anda boleh bagi derma supaya boleh digunakan oleh GMI untuk membantu keluarga atau fotostat risalah untuk disebarkan....
Akhir sekali, boleh sekadar ziarah keluarga ISA.Di selangor, perak, Kedah, Johor dan Sabah, masih ada keluarga tahanan ISA...
Pergilah lawat mereka, sekadar menghiburkan orang yang dalam kesedihan...
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